100 |
How can I prevent showing the border for selected/highlight/hot items
99 |
How can I change the item's background/backcolor, when the cursor hovers it (hot)
98 |
How can I change the item's background/backcolor
with AxToolBar1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Items do begin Add('Item',Nil,Nil).BackColor := $ff; Add('Item',Nil,Nil).BackColor := $1000000; Add('',Nil,Nil).ToString := 'Item[bg=RGB(255,0,0)]'; end; Refresh(); end |
97 |
How can I specify/assign the item's identifier
with AxToolBar1 do begin Debug := True; with Items do begin Add('ID 1',TObject(0),TObject(1000)); Add('ID 2',Nil,Nil).ID := 1001; Add('',Nil,Nil).ToString := 'ID 3[id=1002]'; end; Refresh(); end |
96 |
The popup is displayed using a fade/light-up effect. Is it possible to prevent that
95 |
How can I show semi-transparent popups
94 |
How can I change the popup's border
93 |
How can I show a horizontal separator/line between groups (method 3,EBN color)
with AxToolBar1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopupVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; BackColor := $1000000; ItemHeight := 8; CaptionWidth := 128; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
92 |
How can I show a horizontal separator/line between groups (method 2,solid color)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopupVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; BackColor := $808080; ItemHeight := 8; CaptionWidth := 128; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
91 |
How can I show a horizontal separator/line between groups (method 1,pattern)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopupVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; ItemHeight := 8; CaptionWidth := 128; end; BackgroundExt := 'none[(0,50%-1,100%,2),pattern=0x006,patterncolor=RGB(128,128,128)]'; end; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
90 |
How can I show a vertical separator/line between groups (method 3,EBN color)
with AxToolBar1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; BackColor := $1000000; ItemHeight := 96; CaptionWidth := 8; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
89 |
How can I show a vertical separator/line between groups (method 2,solid color)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; BackColor := $808080; ItemHeight := 96; CaptionWidth := 8; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
88 |
How can I show a vertical separator/line between groups (method 1,pattern)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin Enabled := False; ItemHeight := 96; CaptionWidth := 8; end; BackgroundExt := 'none[(50%-1,0,2,100%),pattern=6,patterncolor=RGB(128,128,128)]'; end; end; with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin ItemHeight := 128; AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := 32; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
87 |
How can I show a pattern on the items
86 |
How can I show a thick frame arround the items
85 |
How can I add some additional icons on the background
with AxToolBar1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup; with Items do begin Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; end; BackColor := $ffffff; Padding := '0,0,0,16'; BackgroundExt := 'root[text=`<img>2</img><font ;6><fgcolor 808080><off -2> clipboard </off></font></fgcolor><img>2</img>`,align=0x21]'; end; Refresh(); end |
84 |
How can I add some additional text on the background
83 |
How can I disable incremental searching
82 |
How can I assign a tooltip to an item (method 2)
81 |
How can I assign a tooltip to an item (method 1)
with AxToolBar1 do begin Items.Add('ToolTip',Nil,Nil).Tooltip := 'This is a bit of text that should be shown when cursor hovers the item'; Refresh(); end |
80 |
How can I assign a spin field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Spin',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSpin; EditWidth := 16; EditValue := TObject(15); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditMaxValue] := TObject(1000); end; with Add('Edit-Spin',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSpin) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditText); EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(15); EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditMaxValue] := TObject(1000); end; with Add('Splider-Spin',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSpin) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider); EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; end; end; Refresh(); end |
79 |
How can I assign a spin field to the item (method 1)
78 |
How can I add a vertical slider (method 2)
77 |
How can I add a vertical slider (method 1)
76 |
How can I disable an editor (method 2)
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How can I disable an editor (method 1)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Disabled',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditText; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := 'text-box'; Enabled := False; end; end; Refresh(); end |
74 |
How can I lock an editor (method 2)
73 |
How can I lock an editor (method 1)
72 |
How can I assign a font field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Font',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditFont; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := 'Tahoma'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
71 |
How can I assign a font field to the item (method 1)
70 |
How can I assign a color field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Color',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditColor; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(255); end; end; Refresh(); end |
69 |
How can I assign a color field to the item (method 1)
68 |
How can I assign a scrollbar field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('ScrollBar',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditScrollBar; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := '25'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
67 |
How can I assign a scrollbar field to the item (method 1)
66 |
Is it possible to change the tooltip beging shown when I change the slider/scroll/progress value
65 |
How can I hide the tooltip beging shown when I change the slider/scroll/progress value
64 |
How can I assign a progress field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Progress',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditProgress; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; end; Refresh(); end |
63 |
How can I assign a progress field to the item (method 1)
62 |
How can I assign a slider field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Slider',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditWidth := -128; EditValue := TObject(25); end; with Add('Slider',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditSlider; EditBorder := EXTOOLBARLib.EditBorderEnum.exEditBorderNone; EditWidth := -128; EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditMinValue] := TObject(50); EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditMaxValue] := TObject(450); EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditTickStyle] := TObject(2); EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditTickFrequency] := TObject(50); EditOption[EXTOOLBARLib.EditOptionEnum.exEditTickLabel] := 'value = vmin ? ''<br><font ;6><b>''+value : ( value = vmax ? ''<br><font ;6><b>''+value : ( value = 200 ? ''<br><font ;6><b><fgcolor ' + 'FF0000>''+value : '''' ) )'; EditValue := TObject(345); end; end; Refresh(); end |
61 |
How can I assign a slider field to the item (method 1)
60 |
How can I assign a mask (time) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Time',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '99:00:00;;0;overtype,warning=Invalid character'; EditValue := '123456'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
59 |
How can I assign a mask (time) field to the item (method 1)
58 |
How can I assign a mask (license key) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('License Key',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := 'AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA'; EditValue := '1234'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
57 |
How can I assign a mask (license key) field to the item (method 1)
56 |
How can I assign a mask (IP address) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('IP Address',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}'; EditValue := ''; end; end; Refresh(); end |
55 |
How can I assign a mask (IP address) field to the item (method 1)
54 |
How can I assign a mask (phone) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Phone',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '!(9999) 000 000;;;empty,select=4,overtype,beep'; EditValue := '0771638317'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
53 |
How can I assign a mask (phone) field to the item (method 1)
52 |
How can I assign a mask (date) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '`Date: `{1,12}/{1,31}/{1950,2050};;;select=1'; EditValue := '2/15/2015'; end; with Add('Date',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '!00/00/0000;;0;empty,validateas=1,invalid=Invalid date!,warning=Invalid character!,select=4,overtype'; EditValue := '2/15/2015'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
51 |
How can I assign a mask (date) field to the item (method 1)
50 |
How can I assign a mask (integer) field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Integer',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := ';;;float,grouping=,digits=0'; EditValue := TObject(1000); end; with Add('Integer-Grouping',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := ';;;float,decimal=,digits=0,select=1'; EditValue := TObject(1000); end; with Add('Integer-In-Range',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := '{0,2050}'; EditValue := TObject(1000); end; end; Refresh(); end |
49 |
How can I assign a mask (integer) field to the item (method 1)
48 |
How can I assign a mask field to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Mask',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditMask; EditWidth := -128; EditMask := ';;;float,select=1'; EditValue := TObject(1000); end; end; Refresh(); end |
47 |
How can I assign a mask field to the item (method 1)
46 |
How can I assign an edit / text-box to the item (method 2)
// EditChange event - Occurs when the user alters the item's text box field. procedure TWinForm1.AxToolBar1_EditChange(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXTOOLBARLib._IToolBarEvents_EditChangeEvent); begin with AxToolBar1 do begin OutputDebugString( e.itm ); end end; with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Mask',Nil,Nil) do begin AllowEdit := EXTOOLBARLib.AllowEditEnum.exItemEditText; EditValue := 'this is a text'; EditWidth := -128; end; end; Refresh(); end |
45 |
How can I assign an edit / text-box to the item (method 1)
44 |
How can I display a tab into the toolbar (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin set_Background(EXTOOLBARLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exMenuSelBorderColor,$f0f0f0); with Items do begin ToString := '[id=0][group=0x0103][itemspad=4,4,4,4]([id=-10][group=0x03](),[id=-99][bg=RGB(240,240,240)][group=0x03][itemspad=4,4,4,4]([id=-1' + '00]))'; with Item[TObject(-10)].Items do begin Add('',TObject(0),TObject(0)).Padding := '8,0,0,0'; with Add('New Page',Nil,Nil) do begin ToString := '[typ=2][chk=1][spchk=-1][show=1][grp=10][bghot=RGB(255,255,255)][bgsel=RGB(240,240,240)][bgselhot=RGB(240,240,240)][height=16][g' + 'roup=0x03][tab=-100][pad=2,0,2,0][popupalign=0x01]([id=0][group=0x03]([]))'; Caption := 'Page<off -5><font ;5><b>1</b></font></off>'; with Items.Item[TObject(0)].Items do begin with Add('add here fields for page 1',Nil,Nil) do begin ID := -1000; Enabled := False; BackColor := $ff; end; end; end; with Add('New Page',Nil,Nil) do begin ToString := '[typ=2][chk=0][spchk=-1][show=1][grp=10][bghot=RGB(255,255,255)][bgsel=RGB(240,240,240)][bgselhot=RGB(240,240,240)][height=16][g' + 'roup=0x03][tab=-100][pad=2,0,2,0][popupalign=0x01]([id=0][group=0x03]([]))'; Caption := 'Page<off -5><font ;5><b>2</b></font></off>'; with Items.Item[TObject(0)].Items do begin with Add('add here fields for page 2',Nil,Nil) do begin ID := -1001; Enabled := False; BackColor := $ff00; end; end; end; Add('',TObject(0),TObject(0)).Padding := '8,0,0,0'; end; end; Refresh(); end |
43 |
How can I add check-buttons to items, without showing the check-box (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('Check 1',Nil,Nil) do begin Check := True; Checked := True; ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; end; with Add('Check 2',Nil,Nil) do begin Check := True; ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; end; with Add('Check 3',Nil,Nil) do begin Check := True; Checked := True; ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
42 |
How can I add check-buttons to items, without showing the check-box (method 1)
41 |
How can I add radio buttons to items, without showing the radio-buttons (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('Radio 1',Nil,TObject(1000)) do begin ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; with Add('Radio 2',Nil,TObject(1001)) do begin ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; with Add('Radio 2',Nil,TObject(1003)) do begin ShowCheckedAsSelected := EXTOOLBARLib.ShowCheckedAsSelectedEnum.exDisplayItemHighlight; Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; Item[TObject(1000)].Checked := True; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
40 |
How can I add radio buttons to items, without showing the radio-buttons (method 1)
39 |
How can I add check-buttons to items (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('Check 1',Nil,Nil) do begin Check := True; Checked := True; end; Add('Check 2',Nil,Nil).Check := True; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
38 |
How can I add check-buttons to items (method 1)
37 |
How can I add radio buttons to items (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup; with Items do begin with Add('Radio 1',Nil,TObject(1000)) do begin Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; with Add('Radio 2',Nil,TObject(1001)) do begin Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; with Add('Radio 2',Nil,TObject(1003)) do begin Radio := True; RadioGroup := 100; end; Item[TObject(1000)].Checked := True; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
36 |
How can I add radio buttons to items (method 1)
35 |
How can I change the selection/highlighting color
with AxToolBar1 do begin SelBackColor := Color.FromArgb(0,0,0); set_Background(EXTOOLBARLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exMenuSelBorderColor,$80); set_Background(EXTOOLBARLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exMenuHotForeColor,$ffffff); ToString := '[group=3](Item 1[chk],Item 2[chk])'; end |
34 |
How can I prevent showing/hide the border on the selected/highlighted item
33 |
How can I display a tab into the toolbar (method 1)
32 |
How do I prevent highlighting the item (method 2.b)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin Add('No highlight',Nil,Nil).Enabled := False; Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
31 |
How do I prevent highlighting the item (method 2.a)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('No highlight',TObject(2),Nil) do begin Items.Add('',Nil,Nil); GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); ShowPopupArrow := False; end; Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
30 |
How do I prevent highlighting the item (method 1.b)
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How do I prevent highlighting the item (method 1.a)
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How can I can I assign pictures or images for the item (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin set_HTMLPicture('pic1','c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif'); set_HTMLPicture('pic2','c:\exontrol\images\auction.gif'); with Items do begin Add('Item',Nil,Nil).HTMLImage := 'pic1'; Add('Item',Nil,Nil).HTMLImage := 'pic2'; Add('',TObject(1),Nil); Add('Item <img>pic1</img>',Nil,Nil); Add('Item <img>pic2</img>',Nil,Nil); Add('',TObject(1),Nil); Add('<img>pic1</img> Item <img>pic2</img>',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
27 |
How can I can I assign pictures or images for the item (method 1)
with AxToolBar1 do begin set_HTMLPicture('pic1','c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif'); set_HTMLPicture('pic2','c:\exontrol\images\auction.gif'); ToString := 'Item[himg=pic1],Item[himg=pic2],[sep],Item <img>pic1</img>,Item <img>pic2</img>,[sep],<img>pic1</img> Item <img>pic2</img>'; end |
26 |
How can I can I assign icons for the item (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); with Items do begin Add('Item',Nil,Nil).Image := 1; Add('Item',Nil,Nil).Image := 2; Add('',TObject(1),Nil); Add('Item <img>1</img>',Nil,Nil); Add('Item <img>2</img>',Nil,Nil); Add('',TObject(1),Nil); Add('Item <img>1</img>',Nil,Nil).Image := 1; end; Refresh(); end |
25 |
How can I can I assign icons for the item (method 1)
with AxToolBar1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); Items.ToString := 'Item[img=1],Item[img=2],[sep],Item <img>1</img>,Item <img>2</img>,[sep],Item <img>1</img>[img=1]'; Refresh(); end |
24 |
How can I change the visual appearance / background color (EBN) for a collection of items/group (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Items do begin Padding := '2,2,2,2'; BackColor := $1000000; Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
23 |
How can I change the visual appearance / background color (EBN) for a collection of items/group (method 1)
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How can I change the background color for a collection of items/group (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin Padding := '2,2,2,2'; BackColor := $ff; Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
21 |
How can I change the background color for a collection of items/group (method 1)
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How can I change the visual appearance / background color (EBN) for a specified item (method 2)
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How can I change the visual appearance / background color (EBN) for a specified item (method 1)
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How can I change the background color for a specified item (method 2)
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How can I change the background color for a specified item (method 1)
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How can I change the visual appearance (EBN) of the floating popups (method 2, applies to single popup)
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How can I change the visual appearance (EBN) of the floating popups (method 1, applies to all)
with AxToolBar1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); Items.ToString := 'Popup(Item 1,Item 2,Item 3)'; PopupAppearance := EXTOOLBARLib.ToolBarAppearanceEnum($1000000); Refresh(); end |
14 |
How can I change the visual appearance of the floating popups (method 2, applies to single popup)
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How can I change the visual appearance of the floating popups (method 1, applies to all)
12 |
How do I add a popup or a sub-menu so it show when cursor hovers it (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('Popup',TObject(2),Nil).Items do begin Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; end; Refresh(); end |
11 |
How do I add a popup or a sub-menu so it show when cursor hovers it (method 1)
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How can I arrange the items by grouping (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin with Add('Horizontal',TObject(2),Nil) do begin GroupPopup := EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup; with Items do begin Add('Sub-Item <b>A</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>B</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>C</b>',Nil,Nil); end; end; Add('',Nil,Nil).CaptionWidth := 16; with Add('Vertical',TObject(2),Nil) do begin Alignment := EXTOOLBARLib.AlignmentEnum.exCenter; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopupVertical) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); with Items do begin Add('Sub-Item <b>A</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>B</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>C</b>',Nil,Nil); end; end; Add('',Nil,Nil).CaptionWidth := 16; with Add('Popup',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('Sub-Item <b>A</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>B</b>',Nil,Nil); Add('Sub-Item <b>C</b>',Nil,Nil); end; end; end; end; end; Refresh(); end |
9 |
How can I arrange the items by grouping (method 1)
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How can I arrange some items vertically, and some horizontally (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('1',Nil,Nil); Add('2',Nil,Nil); Add('3',Nil,Nil); end; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); end; with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('4',Nil,Nil); Add('5',Nil,Nil); Add('6',Nil,Nil); end; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); end; with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('7',Nil,Nil); Add('8',Nil,Nil); Add('9',Nil,Nil); end; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); end; end; Refresh(); end |
7 |
How can I arrange some items vertically, and some horizontally (method 1)
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How can I assign multiple-lines to an item (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil).Caption := 'Item <br><c><b>1'; Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil).Caption := 'Item <br><c><b>2'; Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil).Caption := 'Item <br><c><b>3'; end; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); end; end; Refresh(); end |
5 |
How can I assign multiple-lines to an item (method 1)
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How can I add new items arranged horizontally to the toolbar control (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin with Add('',TObject(2),Nil) do begin with Items do begin Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; GroupPopup := Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exNoGroupPopupFrame) Or Integer(EXTOOLBARLib.GroupPopupEnum.exGroupPopup); end; end; Refresh(); end |
3 |
How can I add new items arranged horizontally to the toolbar control (method 1)
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How can I add new items to the toolbar control (method 2)
with AxToolBar1 do begin with Items do begin Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil); Add('Item 3',Nil,Nil); end; Refresh(); end |
1 |
How can I add new items to the toolbar control (method 1)